viernes, 3 de julio de 2015

Blog entry: A

What is it to be a New Zealander? I've actually gave a lot of thought into this question, so I didn't had to force myself into an answer, but after all of this time, I finally think I've got it.

To be a New Zealander means to wake up at 7 o'clock during the week to go to work, and at 6 o'clock on the weekends to go running or just for a walk downtown, it is to breakfast the same thing everyday and be able to love it, I think it's in the "simplicity" of a regular kiwi life, with less pressure, just letting things be in a society that forces you to "let things be", and this applies for almost everything, starting by children witch you need to leave home alone once they get back from school for at least 4 hours, on witch they might easily go out to take drugs and alcohol with irresponsible adults and motorcycle gangs, to be a new zealander, to be a kiwi, means you have to trust, and the beautiful thing of it is. That you can