lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

Is google making us dumber?

I use google a lot, and still have to study on a traditional way.

Its like saying that running machines are making people stop going out to jog, of course there are people who use them a lot, but it's still impossible to forget to go out and run like all the rest.

The same happens with google, of course many people use it a lot, because it helps a great deal when unable to understand something or when you want to find more information, but it wil hardly ever replace regular studying.

Furthermore, I also think that it wouldn't be such a problem if we start to forget some information due to the facilities internet gives us, due to the fact of an each day growing globalisation, and the easier access to internet hotspots.

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

Task 8

1) a Hunter, about a woman

2) the woman

3) Fear, terror, worry (negative); excitement, triumph (positive)

4) She felt afraid

5) She knows hoe they act and dress

6) To see better, because they where looking for her and it helped them to do so

7) On a tower, trying to hide

8) She had been running a lot 

9) They'll discover her

10) She dug a tracer out of her foot

11) a) smoothly
      c) multifarious

12) Veppers and Jasken are both wearing earsets

13) Earsets, oculesenses

14) Future, because of the technology

15) to maintain in a certain distance between her and the reader

16) narrator's, sounds fun

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015

Indian reservatations

1.- Most of the firsts of  Indian reservations where founded between 1830 an 1887, after several attempts of several former presidents of the united states, and to the efforts of the office of Indian affairs, now called the bureau of Indian affairs, most of them are west of the Mississippi river.

2.- They are legally a "separate" sovereign land, so they are able to have their own laws, wich might differ at some points with the laws outside the reservation, as they can have casinos inside, but not outside the reservations, yet still cant kill a man inside it... damnit.

3.- Because many of the reservations where established in places that had nothing to do with the tribes they where given to, due to many times unfair relocations made by white men, like the mass migration to Oklahoma, wich lead the trail of tears, there are also more difficulties tan benefits about living inside them, for everything outside the reservation is far away, and the are unlikely to get all of the basic resources, and not every tribe has its own reservation.

4.- Not in my opinion, they are just set and planned to ridicule the people inside them.  

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

Creative writing task

Dear Rahim Khan,

I know it is the first time I write to you in two whole years, maybe more, and that even when I worked at Amir agha's home we did not have a very close relationship, but I think it is time to tell someone the truth, and I truly believe you are the right one to write to.

First of all, you must be asking yourself how am I writing this to you though if I was never taught how to read or write, the truth is I am forced to pay to a stranger here in Pakistan yo write whatever I tell him, so please pay attention, for I probably wont be able to write to you again. If you where to ask, I think I wouldn't be able to tell you when it all started, or how or why did it got even worse than it was at the beginning , it maybe was just a matter of being born a Hazara, maybe it was just the way Amir despised me afterwards, I dont know, maybe it was a bit or a lot of both, all I know is that it all took place in a cold winter afternoon.

Amir had ben talking about it for days, he was so excited he could barely sleep, we spent several days preparing the thread for the competition. He had been in the sky for hours since the start of the competition when he finally realized he was one of the two finalists, and lots of children had lost to their neighbors, and most of the people in kabul had already lost their interest in the competition as everyone was getting sleepy after lunch, but all of that was just on the "adult word",  because evey kid in kabul was watching the end of the competition, it took Amir a a real hard time to take down the blue kite, but when he did, it fell down just as gracefully as any other. So I ran towards it just like if it was any other kite.

I never had to fight for a kite before that day, because no one ever followed me while kite running, due to the rumor that said I just followed the kite's shadow, once I got my hands on in, as I always did, I realized way to late that assef and his friends where chasing me over the blue kite, the most important of all kite. I dont know how, but they got me inside an alley and told me to give it to them, and I didn't. I am still not sure if Amir watched everything, or if he trully just found me right afterwards, but I think that beyond that, whatever th truth is, he wasn't able to understand what had happened to me.

First, they punched me to the ground, and then, when both of Assef's friends grabbed my arms so he could do it just like he wanted to, Assef raped me, all I know is that even though I brought him his blue kite he didn't wanted me either as a friend or as a servant any more, that is why he hid his own watch under my bed, and that is why I lied as well, by saying that I had stole it

I hope to recieve a response form you soon, even though I probably wont be able to respond


The novel is about the life, or lets rather say, the most significant parts of the life of Amir, a character pretty much based on Khaled Hosseini's own life as an Afghan kid before and after the Communist invasion with all of his adventures, and much more important all of his misfortunes, and the way he had to deal with them along his life.

Amir is a Pashtun, a sort of "raze" inside the mid-western culture, but most importantly, the one that rules over the "Hazara" another raze considered inferior by them, rised to serve the Pashtuns. While his best friend, rised as his brother, is a Hazara, this meaning to be his servant, Hassan. Who was even fed by the same breasts Amir was. My task will be about Hassan writing a letter to Rahim Khan, a most deared family friend who, while everyone had fled to america or countries close to Afghanistan thanks to the russian invasion, decided to keep his friend's house safe until they could come back.

My aim, or goal, I want to achieve by creating this task is to go deeper into a relationship that it is not clearly developed in the book, but that still, has a lot of literary potential due to the personalities these two characters posses.

I wanted to write a letter because it was the text type that better allowed me to make a dialogue-like text, and because it was the easiest way to make a character tell a story to another

lunes, 17 de agosto de 2015

IVF Dialogue

Eager: It is fare and appropriate for parents to select the gender of their child, specially in cases when family balancing has an important role, like for example families with three or four children of th same gender, wich is not only unhealthy for the parents, but also a poor example for the children about what the world is really about.

Reluctant: But it is inappropriate to have IVF for sex selection, because it is an unnatural way to make a child, it would be like buying something, it feels wrong. If somebody wants to have a child and know the sex, perfect, go to an orphanage where abandonned kids have no parents and adopt one

Eager: And why is it unnatural when I decide the gender of my child? when everybody else eats and drinks genetically modified food? why is it so inappropriate when even you also do it? what if I want a child with my own blood?

Reluctant: It is unnatural because you would build a life, it is highly unethical to manipulate a life, it's true, most of food we eat has been genetically modified, but the food, is it good for our health? some of this kind of food is very dangerous, producing cancers. If you want a child with your own blood, you can have sex with your partner and have one

viernes, 3 de julio de 2015

Blog entry: A

What is it to be a New Zealander? I've actually gave a lot of thought into this question, so I didn't had to force myself into an answer, but after all of this time, I finally think I've got it.

To be a New Zealander means to wake up at 7 o'clock during the week to go to work, and at 6 o'clock on the weekends to go running or just for a walk downtown, it is to breakfast the same thing everyday and be able to love it, I think it's in the "simplicity" of a regular kiwi life, with less pressure, just letting things be in a society that forces you to "let things be", and this applies for almost everything, starting by children witch you need to leave home alone once they get back from school for at least 4 hours, on witch they might easily go out to take drugs and alcohol with irresponsible adults and motorcycle gangs, to be a new zealander, to be a kiwi, means you have to trust, and the beautiful thing of it is. That you can