miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

Trinity task correction #1

A couple of years ago, many people would say that Anyone graduated from allsop school should need to make the last four years again in another school to be able to learn something, but now, thanks to its new headtecher, Mr. Michael Wilson, things are starting to turn out right

He has changed the hole school's rules, and has gotten just the results he wanted, now, all students have to wear a grey and red jacket or jumper, ties, and grey pants, also black shoes, they all have to wait for thei teacher in lines in front of their classrooms until ther teacher tells them to get in, they send back home students if they are wearing the wrong type of shoes,or if they wear their hair too long or short, or if they are caught using cellphones in class

In my opinion allsop has improved a lot, but, being so strict, can be a double-sharpened weapon

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