jueves, 31 de julio de 2014

Colombian armed forces drug traffic

1.- What is your piece of news about?
Colombian soldiers catched trafficking drugs on school vessel "Juan Sebastian Elcano",planning to sell them in new york

2.- Select three sources of information and copy the links below.
a) "The government prefers the ship to rot instead of such crimes continue rotting national dignity"  said alvaro uribe, president of colombia
b) "Come join the navy, formation, training, fun and extracurricular classes of drug smuggling" was a satiric phrase made up by "BLASTING.NEWS" periodists
c) "Come and see! The circus of corruption. We have them in all colors and professions. We lacked 
weapon professionals, and they have finally arrived, newly released" was a comment made by a person interviewed by "EL PAIS"newspaper.
a)the huge irresponsibility made by the colombian armed forces
b) the huge repercutions this acts will have in the countrie's reputation

c) how amazingly far drug traffic has gone inside the country

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