domingo, 4 de octubre de 2015

Indian reservatations

1.- Most of the firsts of  Indian reservations where founded between 1830 an 1887, after several attempts of several former presidents of the united states, and to the efforts of the office of Indian affairs, now called the bureau of Indian affairs, most of them are west of the Mississippi river.

2.- They are legally a "separate" sovereign land, so they are able to have their own laws, wich might differ at some points with the laws outside the reservation, as they can have casinos inside, but not outside the reservations, yet still cant kill a man inside it... damnit.

3.- Because many of the reservations where established in places that had nothing to do with the tribes they where given to, due to many times unfair relocations made by white men, like the mass migration to Oklahoma, wich lead the trail of tears, there are also more difficulties tan benefits about living inside them, for everything outside the reservation is far away, and the are unlikely to get all of the basic resources, and not every tribe has its own reservation.

4.- Not in my opinion, they are just set and planned to ridicule the people inside them.  

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